March of Time -- outtakes -- Execution of Dostler; bombing on USS Savannah an entity of type: Record
March of Time -- outtakes -- Execution of Dostler; bombing on USS Savannah
March of Time -- outtakes -- Execution of Dostler; bombing on USS Savannah
1425 P (14:00:44) Official Motion Picture Release - Bureau of PR #1589. Signal Corps. Aversa, Italy. Execution of German General Anton Dostler. Pan shot of Dostler accompanied by guards, walking down embankment steps to place of execution through early morning mists. HS, group including Chaplain walking to post on execution spot. Close shot and HS of Dostler being tied to post. LS, group of GIs lined up at attention. HS, Dostler being blindfolded at stake. MS, man walking away from blindfolded Dostler. HAS, execution groups with firing squad walking in. Another angle, same with part of squad kneeling. MS, Dostler at stake, bullets killing him, and body sagging against bonds. Closer shot of body at stake. NOTE: Dostler was executed for killing 15 US soldiers captured behind enemy lines. 1425 Q (14:02:12) Salerno Harbor, Italy. November, 1945. Bomb hit on USS Savannah.