Alexander Bachnár an entity of type: Record
Alexander Bachnár
Alexander Bachnár
2 linear meters
The fond contains mainly copies of documents on the Holocaust in Slovakia, which were collected by Alexander Bachnár during his research in various archives, as well as the study of press and gathering of testimonies. It includes original versions of his personal materials and correspondence, as well as his own works. The copies or transcripts include Anti-Jewish regulations, copies of decisions, regulations of the Ministry of Interior, the State Council and Jewish Center; the Jewish Census from before the concentration of Jews and transports in 1942; the Census of Jewish Property (and documents relating to Aryanization, lists of persons imprisoned in labor and concentration camps and various lists of prisoners). The fond also contains copies of transport lists from 1942, arranged in chronological order, as well as a group of documents named “Victims”. These are mainly different lists from concentration camps. The fond also contains documents pertaining to testimonies for the Righteous Among Nations Award; works of other authors, both arranged in alphabetical order. Bachnár kept long-term contacts with members of the VI. Labour Battalion, therefore there are also documents of the Committee of this Labor Battalion included in the fond. Documentation on cooperation with the Czech historical group OSVĚTIM is included. Due to Bachnar´s collecting activity, the fond contains personal documents and press clippings, as well as graphic documentation on the topic of the Holocaust. The fond also contains the Holocaust-related works of other authors.