Hitler comes to power
http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/us-005578-irn1001607 an entity of type: Record
Hitler comes to power
Hitler comes to power
"Herbst 193". Reports on activities and policies of the Nazis in Germany 1921-1933 (poor sound quality, fades in and out). 01:14:02"193""Hitler's First Speech as Chancellor 30 January 193" Title:"Goering, Named Prussian Minister of Interior by Hitler, Outlines His Program February 1933" Goering seated, speaks to camera, outlines program. Title:"Election Day in Bavaria, 5 March 1933" MCUs of citizens coming in and out of the election booth. Title:"Gewerkschaftshaus" VS of German soldiers and workers milling about the entrance way to a building. Title:"Election Day in Berlin, 5 March 1933" MCUs of President von Hindenburg in and out of election booth. Von Papen places his vote and after exiting makes a seemingly prepared remark to the camera. Title:"Meeting of Reichstag at which Hitler and his cabinet receive plenary powers of legislation, 24 March 1933" VSs of Reichstag, assembly, Hitler addressing a crowd, etc. All segments are intercut with CUs of German newspaper headlines and Nazi propaganda illustrations.