Association of German Municipalities, Office for the Sudetenland in Liberec an entity of type: Record
Association of German Municipalities, Office for the Sudetenland in Liberec
Association of German Municipalities, Office for the Sudetenland in Liberec
10,3 linear meters
The fonds id divided according to the association departments: Department 123 – Alien, passport and reporting police of the fonds contains file № 11 Jews. This relates to care for Jews from privileged mixed marriages affected by the war from 1942–1943 (inv. № 195). Department 360 – Church matters contains file № 22 – Cemeteries. This relates to issues of dissolution and closure of Jewish cemeteries in the following locations: Budišov nad Budišovkou, Drmoul, Sokolov, Šenov u Nové Jičína, Teplice and Vrchlabí, 1940–1941 (inv. № 285).
The fonds is divided into 3 basic parts – Presidium files, Files of the office’s proper agenda according to the original decimal system and the estate of Dr. Portele, director of the office.