March of Time -- outtakes -- Red Army, Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin; Soviet people an entity of type: Record
March of Time -- outtakes -- Red Army, Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin; Soviet people
March of Time -- outtakes -- Red Army, Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin; Soviet people
Red Army scenes in Red Square: thousands of troops march, horses galloping. Extensive, good scenes. Scenes shot by Julien Bryan in the Soviet Union (also at Library of Congress) include women from ballet company bathing on beach. More of Red Army in Red Square. Julien Bryan footage along the Rhine River, with views of ruins, castles (Maeuseturm, Drachenfels) Maps, highlighting White Sea, Volga, Caucasus, Siberia, intercut with footage shot by Julien Bryan. Includes nurse with toddler; kindergarten children at small tables. Rare view of toppling of church domes during Soviet anti-religion campaign. Views inside art gallery (Hermitage?) Paratroops jumping from planes. 01:45:20 CU, Trotsky speaking to camera in English, reading from book. 01:46: CU Stalin. CU of Lenin seated in room; MS gesturing and with his wife Krupskaya and cat. Czar and Czarevich briefly seen.