Konzentrationslager (NS 4)
http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/us-005578-irn507408 an entity of type: Record
Konzentrationslager (NS 4)
Konzentrationslager (NS 4)
95,966 digital images, JPEG
2,919 microfiche,
52 microfilm reels (digitized), 35 mm
This collection contains fragmentary files relating to forced labor and camp administration at Buchenwald; administrative matters and construction files of Flossenbürg; medical experiments at Mauthausen; and inmates’ forced labor at Natzweiler. Also included are a small number of files relating to Dachau, Gross-Rosen, Neuengamme, and the SS-Sonderlager Hinzert.
Records on microfiches arrange in twelve groups: 1. Auschwitz: NS4/Bu, File1- (2196 microfiche); NS4/Au, File 1-17 (30 microfiche); 2. Dachau: NS4/Da, File 1-47 (147 microfiche); 3. Gross-Rosen: NS4/Gr, File 1-10 (21 microfiche); Herzogenbusch: NS4/He, File 1-2 (3 microfiche);4. Lichtenburg: NS4/Li, File 1-2 (4 microfiche); 5. Lublin: NS4/Lu, File 1-5 (9 microfiche); 6. Mauthausen: NS4/Ma, File 1-57 (156 microfiche); 7. Natzweiler, File 2-103 (241 microfiche); 8. Neuengamme: NS4/Ne, File 1 (2 microfiche); 9. Ravensbrück: NS4/Ra, File 1 (4 microfiche); 10. Stutthof: NS4/St, File 1-3 (4 microfiche); 11. Sachsenhausen: NS4/Sa, File 1-8 (9 microfiche); 12. Annex: NS4/Anh, File 1-42 (9 microfiche). Records on microfilm reels arranged in one group: Flossenbürg: NS4/Fl, File 1-436 (Reel 1-52; Reel 9 is missing; Reel 51 contains two rolls).