Archiv der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde Wien - Wiener Bestand Archive of the Jewish Community Vienna-Vienna component collection an entity of type: Record

Archiv der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde Wien - Wiener Bestand Archive of the Jewish Community Vienna-Vienna component collection 
Archiv der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde Wien - Wiener Bestand Archive of the Jewish Community Vienna-Vienna component collection 
1,076 microfilm reels, 35 mm 200,000 digital images, JPEG 
Contains the Holocaust related archival records of the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien (Jewish Community Vienna), including material predating the annexation of Austria to Nazi Germany in 1938, and post war records related to social welfare cases and personal inquiries from survivors worldwide received by the Jewish Community Vienna, Cataloging is in process (Sept. 2020) 
Organized in the following order: Reels 1- 1,076 (Reel 17, 28, 29 and 136 are intentionally blank for the future expansion of materials); MF Nr. 1875 - MF Nr. 2543 (665 reels); MF Nr. 2669-MF Nr. 3080 (411 reels). Accretions of digital records arranged in four groups: 1. Nachtrag Personalkartei (A / VIE / IKG / I - III / PERS / Kartei). Personal cards of members of Jewish community in Vienna. Organized in alphabetical order; 2."Fuersorgeakte" (A_VIE_IKG_III_SOZ_FS and A_VIE_IKG_III_SOZ_STIP)- post-war component. Welfare case files.1946-1982; 3."Matrikenwesen/Bevoelkerungswese" ( A_VIE_IKG_III_BEV)-post-war component ; 4."Fuersorgeakte" ( A_VIE_IKG_III_SOZ_FS and A_VIE_IKG_III_SOZ_STIP)- post-war component: Welfare case files, 1946-1982. This is ongoing project. 

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