Lăpuşna District Chamber of Commerce and Industry

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/md-002886-1778_1 an entity of type: Record

Lăpuşna District Chamber of Commerce and Industry 
Lăpuşna District Chamber of Commerce and Industry 
Lapushnianskaya uezdnaya palata torgovli i promyshlennosti 
Camera de comerţ şi industrie a judeţului Lăpuşna 
Lapushnianskaya uezdnaya palata torgovli i promyshlennosti 
Camera de comerţ şi industrie a judeţului Lăpuşna 
Лапушнянская уездная палата торговли и промышленности 
Лапушнянская уездная палата торговли и промышленности 
Lăpuşna District Chamber of Commerce and Industry 
Lăpuşna District Chamber of Commerce and Industry 
Lapushnianskaya uezdnaya palata torgovli i promyshlennosti 
Camera de comerţ şi industrie a judeţului Lăpuşna 
Lapushnianskaya uezdnaya palata torgovli i promyshlennosti 
Camera de comerţ şi industrie a judeţului Lăpuşna 
Лапушнянская уездная палата торговли и промышленности 
Лапушнянская уездная палата торговли и промышленности 
128 items 
128 dosare 
Dosarele personale ale membrilor Camerii de Comerț și Industrie din Lăpușna. Listele comercianților și proprietarilor de întreprinderi comerciale și industriale din Basarabia, 1923-1927. Listele proprietarilor carierelor de piatră și cărămidă și fabrici de sticlă, 1925. Solicitările comercianților pentru a primi împrumuturi mici. Listele firmelor private evreiești, înregistrate la Camera de Comerț. Copii ale certificatelor emise de către proprietarii de întreprinderi comerciale și industriale, care confirmă înregistrarea acestora la Camera de Comerț. Recensămîntul proprietarilor de întreprinderi comerciale și industriale din județul Orhei. Listele proprietarilor de întreprinderi comerciale din Chișinău și Orhei înregistrați la Camera de Comerț. Listele băncilor private și de stat din Chișinău în 1937-1938 cu indicarea capitalului acestora. Listele proprietarilor de întreprinderi comerciale care nu erau înregistrați la Camera de Comerț. Rapoartele inspectorilor cu privire la rezultatele examinării întreprinderilor comerciale din Chişinău.  
The personal files and lists of members of the Chamber; the lists of traders and owners of commercial and industrial enterprises of Bessarabia; the lists of owners of commercial and industrial enterprises; the lists of owners of commercial and industrial enterprises from Chişinău; the lists of owners of industrial enterprises allowed to the election of the Chamber; the lists of owners of stone quarry and brick and glass factories; the list of owners of industrial enterprises in Bessarabia; the requests of the traders for receiving small loans; the lists of Jewish private firms, registered in the Chamber; copies of the certificates issued to the owners of commercial and industrial enterprises confirming their registration with the Chamber; the lists of owners of commercial and industrial enterprises; the census of the owners of commercial and industrial enterprises in Orhei district; the lists of owners of commercial enterprises of Orhei and Chişinău district; the lists of private and state banks of Chisinau with the indication of their catpital; the lists of owners of commercial and industrial enterprises registered by the Chamber; the lists of owners of commercial enterprises from Chişinău; the lists of owners of commercial and industrial enterprises who did not register with the Chamber; the minutes of the meetings of the federation of Bessarabian chambers of commerce and industry regarding the confirmations of Chamber’s decisions; the decisions of the Chambers on the examinations of complains related to the refusal of registration of enterprises; the lists of traders and industrial owners from Orhei district; the lists of owners of private firms in the town and district of Orhei; the requests of the entrepreneurs for issuing certificates and copies of certificates on selling alcohol; the requests of the traders to receive loans; the minutes of the meetings of the federation of Bessarabian chambers of commerce and industry regarding the confirmation of decisions related to the organization of chambers; reports of the inspectors regarding the results of examination of commercial enterprises of Chişinău; the requests of the traders for registration of their firms and enterprises; the correspondence of the Chamber with the owners of firms and enterprises regarding their registration; the lists of anonymous firms with the indication of their owners; the scrutiny files on the activity of the shop from Chişinău owned by Goldenshtein Mordko Iosifovic; the scritiny files on the activity of manufacture shop from Chişinău property of Kasabian Karl; correspondence with foreign consulates from Romania regarding establishing the „trusthworthiness” of the owners of firms 

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