Okresný úrad v Martine

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/sk-003267-25748 an entity of type: Record

Okresný úrad v Martine 
District Office in Martin 
Okresný úrad v Martine 
District Office in Martin 
129 linear meters, paper documents. 
Archival fonds of the District Office in Martin, as the state administration body at the regional level, contains the documents concerning political, economic, cultural and social situation in this district during the period 1923 – 1945. Fonds is well preserved and among the 129 linear meters it contains various partial information about the history of Jews before 1938 and mainly during the period of the Hlinka Slovak People´s Party regime (1938 – 1945) when the anti-Semitic measures came in force and Jewish community was systematically persecuted. Several documents address the banning of the Jewish Party in 1938 and the activities of Chevra Kadischa in the district. Numerous documents are dedicated to the various steps of the process of so-called Aryanization, concerning the evidence of the Jewish property and enterprises, list of the local Aryanizers and information about the auctions of the former Jewish moveable property. Gradual discrimination Jews in Slovakia and its direct impact on the everyday life is included in the documents regarding the marking of the Jewish shops and Jewish inhabitants by the yellow star, withdrawing driving licenses, revision of the state citizenship, etc. Some files enclose the gradual limiting of Jews in their professions such as dismissal from state and public service and inform about the compulsory labor service. Process of deportations in 1942 is also recorded, in particular by the documents about evidence of the Jewish inhabitants in the district, their concentration and transport to the Concentration center in Poprad. There is a list of Jews from Martin district who were given the so-called"Presidential exemptio". 
The documents are arranged chronologically and numerically, by the department. 

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