Selected records from Ministerul Economiei Naţionale an entity of type: Record

Selected records from Ministerul Economiei Naţionale 
Selected records from Ministerul Economiei Naţionale 
27,319 digital images, JPEG 34 microfilm reels (digitized), 35 mm 
Contains selected records from Ministry of National Economy. Records include following subjects: implementation of legislation regarding Jewish and non-Jewish staff of industries; expropriation of Jewish goods; the antisemitic polices of the Iron Guards; Iron Guard control of Jewish companies; surveillance of Jewish commerce; regulations concerning food packages sent to Jews in Transnistria; reports on Jewish commerce; forced labor of Jews in Ilia, in the Hunedoara district; aryanization of Jewish enterprises; memos of W. Filderman about the Jewish star (star of David); orders concerning forced labor of Jews; reports concerning confiscation of Jewish property in the"Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravi" and in Slovakia; reports on the situation of Jews in Vaslui district; situation report on Jewish citizenship; confiscation of Jewish property, including abandoned commercial property and Jewish stores; and aryanization of personnel; regulations re Jewish-owned companies and confiscation ofJewish companies; ayranization of land; transfer of money to Jews interned in camps in Transnistria; deliveries of goods and tools to Jews interned in camps in Transnistria; packages of food for the Jews working in forced labor in Transnistria; interdiction of commerce between Jews and peasants in Moldova; interdiction of participation of Jews in public auctions; illegal dealings in Suceava in goods formerly belonging to Jews; and commerce in Moghilev; disbanding of the government directorate of ayranization; table of Volksdeutsche arrested by Romanian soviet detachments and put to work at forced labor; and aid to 500 Jews from Northern Transylvania who were in Switzerland; reacceptance of Jewish employees into the Ministry of Public Works; help for 500 Jews originally from North Transylvania, now in Switzerland; confiscation of goods of ethnic Germans; liquidation of the center for Romanianization; annulment of the legislation which created the center for Romanianization; and the question of Jewish emigration to Palestine. 
Arrangement is thematic 

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