Philip D. Vock papers an entity of type: Record

Philip D. Vock papers 
Philip D. Vock papers 
folders oversize folder book enclosure 4 1 1 
The Philip D. Vock papers consist of biographical material, a journal, and photographs relating to Philip Vock’s wartime experiences hiding in France, as a prisoner in Auschwitz and Buchenwald concentration camps, as well as his post-war experiences in France and the United States. The collection also includes certificates and membership cards for Marguerite Vock, Philip’s mother, Leon Leonoff, Philip’s uncle, and Estreia Leonoff, Philip’s aunt. Biographical material for Philip Vock include a certificate "Certificat de Bonne Conduit") issued by the French Air Force, a membership card issued by the National Union of the Association of Deportees, Internees, and Lost Family, a certificate issued to Philip on the 30th anniversary of camp liberation by the Scretariat d'Etat aux Anciens Combattants, and a copy of a one page memoir outlining Philip experiences. Biographical material for Marguerite Vock include a certificate of safe passage, a certificate issued to Marguerite on the occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the liberation of the concentration camps, and a membership card issued by the National Union of Deportees, Internees, and Victims of War. This series also includes a membership card for the Association of Internees and Political Deportees and the National Federation of Internees and Deportees issued to Léon Leonoff, and a membership card for the French Union of Deportees, Internees, and War Victims issued to Estreia Leonoff. The journal was written by Philip Vock in 1945 while in France immediately following his liberation. In his writings he describes his time hiding in France, conditions in Auschwitz and Buchenwald, death marches, and liberation. Photographs include images taken at Auschwitz depicting views of the camp after liberation. 
The Philip D. Vock papers are arranged as a single series. 

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