Rabbi William Z. Dalin family papers

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Rabbi William Z. Dalin family papers 
Rabbi William Z. Dalin family papers 
circa 1872-1968 
box oversize box oversize folders 1 1 2 
The collection includes documents, correspondence, photographs, and clippings illustrating Rabbi William Z. Dalin’s service as a United States Army chaplain, primarily regarding his deployment in post-war Wiesbaden, Germany; post-war correspondence of his wife Bella Dalin; wartime correspondence of Helene Dreydel with her sister Alice before she and Helene’s parents, Ferdinand and Johanna, were deported to the Theresienstadt concentration camp; and Leo Loeb’s experiences as a Jewish refugee in Shanghai, China. Rabbi William Z. Dalin’s papers include documents, correspondence, photographs, and clippings illustrating Rabbi William Z. Dalin’s service as a United States Army chaplain, primarily regarding his deployment in post-war Wiesbaden, Germany. Documents include paperwork with the United States Army, travel paperwork, and hand-written notes taken by Rabbi Dalin while attending the Nuremberg Trials. Correspondence is primarily letters exchanged with Dr. Louis Finkelstein of the Jewish Theological Seminary of American regarding Rabbi Dalin’s chaplaincy with the United States Army. Photographs depict Rabbi Dalin at the Zeilsheim displaced persons camp, the rededication of the Wiesbaden Synagogue in 1946, and Rabbi Yitzhak Herzog’s visit to the Lampertheim DP camp. The clippings include articles about Dalin that appeared in the Stars and Stripes and an article in Yiddish regarding Rabbi Yitzhak Herzog’s visit to the Lampertheim DP camp. Also included is a copy of Rabbi Philip Bernstein’s address at the rededication of the Wiesbaden Synagogue. Bella Dalin’s correspondence consists of three post-war letters exchanged between her and Miriam Bornstein while Bella was in Wiesbaden with William. Helene Dreydel’s papers primarily consist of letters exchanged through the Red Cross between Helene in England and her sister Alice in Frankfurt am Main before she was deported to Theresienstadt. Also included are postcards sent to Helene’s husband Siegfried Dreydel in New York from his sister Rosa Dreydel in Frankfurt A.M., a copy of Helene and Siegfried’s marriage certificate, documents regarding the deaths of Helene’s sister and parents, and a prayer book with family inscriptions. The papers of Leo Loeb include postcards sent to him in Shanghai by his mother Jenny Löb in Grosskrozenberg, biographical and emigration documents from Germany, identification documents from Shanghai, and photographs depicting his time in Shanghai. 
The collection has been arranged as four series. Series 1. Rabbi William Z. Dalin papers, 1943-1968; Series 2. Bella Dalin papers, 1946-1947; Series 3. Helene Dreydel papers, circa 1872, 1938-1961; Series 4. Leo Loeb papers, 1939-1947 and undated 

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