Nationalsozialismus gegen Liberalismus an entity of type: Record

Nationalsozialismus gegen Liberalismus 
Nationalsozialismus gegen Liberalismus 
1 electronic resource (22 pages) 
The file contains the cover sheet of the book 'Nationalsozialismus gegen Liberalismus', by Ludwig Prager and published by 'Eher' in München 1933. Furthermore a photocopy regarding general information of the book, like the location and the system number, is attached. The book itself discusses the new and pulsing economic life in Germany since January 30th 1933. The main idea is to show and explain the theories of nationalism and liberalism. The author has a critical look at both theories in connection to business studies as well as to the econimic system in Germany during that years, whereat within the theory of nationalism he points out how it has a bigger positive impact on economy than liberalism. 

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