Notes from the department of Expositur, as well as correspondence with the chairmen and the department of the Jewish Council, the Zentralstelle für jüdische Auswanderung, the Contact department at Westerbork and some other people and organisations concerning e.g. collaboration between the Jewish Council in Amsterdam and Westerbork, letter traffic from Jews in the Netherlands to deported family members, Palestine-exchange, requests to release some Jews from Westerbork as part of this exchange, a meeting with Obersturmführer Gemmeker, and a transmission of lists of people who were transferred from Westerbork to Vught (and vice versa), augustus 1942 - september 1944 an entity of type: Record

Notes from the department of Expositur, as well as correspondence with the chairmen and the department of the Jewish Council, the Zentralstelle für jüdische Auswanderung, the Contact department at Westerbork and some other people and organisations concerning e.g. collaboration between the Jewish Council in Amsterdam and Westerbork, letter traffic from Jews in the Netherlands to deported family members, Palestine-exchange, requests to release some Jews from Westerbork as part of this exchange, a meeting with Obersturmführer Gemmeker, and a transmission of lists of people who were transferred from Westerbork to Vught (and vice versa), augustus 1942 - september 1944 
Notities van de afdeling Expositur, alsmede correspondentie met de voorzitters en de afdeling van de Joodsche Raad, de Zentralstelle für jüdische Ausw... 
Notes from the department of Expositur, as well as correspondence with the chairmen and the department of the Jewish Council, the Zentralstelle für jüdische Auswanderung, the Contact department at Westerbork and some other people and organisations concerning e.g. collaboration between the Jewish Council in Amsterdam and Westerbork, letter traffic from Jews in the Netherlands to deported family members, Palestine-exchange, requests to release some Jews from Westerbork as part of this exchange, a meeting with Obersturmführer Gemmeker, and a transmission of lists of people who were transferred from Westerbork to Vught (and vice versa), augustus 1942 - september 1944 
Notities van de afdeling Expositur, alsmede correspondentie met de voorzitters en de afdeling van de Joodsche Raad, de Zentralstelle für jüdische Ausw... 
Notes from the department of Expositur, as well as correspondence with the chairmen and the department of the Jewish Council, the Zentralstelle für jüdische Auswanderung, the Contact department at Westerbork and some other people and organisations concerning e.g. collaboration between the Jewish Council in Amsterdam and Westerbork, letter traffic from Jews in the Netherlands to deported family members, Palestine-exchange, requests to release some Jews from Westerbork as part of this exchange, a meeting with Obersturmführer Gemmeker, and a transmission of lists of people who were transferred from Westerbork to Vught (and vice versa), augustus 1942 - september 1944 
Notities van de afdeling Expositur, alsmede correspondentie met de voorzitters en de afdeling van de Joodsche Raad, de Zentralstelle für jüdische Auswanderung, de Contactafdeling te Westerbork en enkele andere personen en instanties inzake o.m. samenwerking tussen de Joodsche Raad in Amsterdam en Westerbork, briefverkeer van Joden in Nederland met gedeporteerde familieleden, Palestina-uitwisseling, verzoeken om vrijlating van enkele Joden uit Westerbork i.v.m. deze uitwisseling, een bespreking met Obersturmführer Gemmeker en toezending van lijsten van gesperden, die van Westerbork naar Vught (en omgekeerd) zijn overgebracht, augustus 1942 - september 1944. 

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