Blumenauer Zeitung an entity of type: Record
Blumenauer Zeitung
Blumenauer Zeitung
1 electronic resource (29 pages)
The file contains a newspaper clipping of the 'Blumenauer Zeitung' of 1937. It was published in German by Julio and Hermann Baumgarten in Blumenau, Santa Catarina, a German speaking city founded in Brazil. This newspaper cutting illustrate very anti-Semitic ideas, like the conspiracy theory of the 'Jewish world plan', regarding the 'Protocols of the Wise man of Zion' in the Bern trial, or the degenerateness on the non-Jews, including some alleged research results and other articles against Jewry. Also pictures presenting bad images of Jews are attached. Also alliances with the Stürmer and articles copied from it can be seen. Furthermore advertisments in Portuguese and German, as well as pictures and general news are attached. In addition a decument of the 'Bank der Deutschen Arbeit A.G' concerning branches in all bigger cities in Germany where people can save their money can be seen. This branch is in Nuremberg.