Interzonale Delegierten Konferenz, Berlin an entity of type: Record

Interzonale Delegierten Konferenz, Berlin 
Interzonale Delegierten Konferenz, Berlin 
1 electronic resource (67 pages) 
The publication is a summary of the “Interzonale Delegierten Konferenz Berlin” (Interzone delegates conference Berlin), by the “Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes“ (VVN) (Association of the persecuted of the Nazi regime) held in September 1947 in Berlin. Speeches of various delegates (e.g. Erich Honecker) from various parts of occupied Germany and other countries are included. The topic of denazification and its limitations is discussed. The lack of proper persecution and trial of former Nazis in the courts is criticized. 

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