[Correspondence regarding the Bern trial records access]

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[Correspondence regarding the Bern trial records access] 
[Correspondence regarding the Bern trial records access] 
1 electronic resource (29 pages) 
The file contains a correspondence regarding the Bern trial records access in April 1935. Various letters from Fleischhauer regarding the inspection of russian files can be seen. Loosli used some russian files for the Bern trial, which he promised not to handle over or show unauthorized people. Fleischhauer however wanted to see them, as they were part of the trial and might have been important also for his expert opinion. The judicial office in Bern, spezifically judge Walter Meyer, refuses this wish, as he did not want to sent any files to Germany. The explanation was clear: 'as the Swiss nation know how the state of mind of Germany is, with all the SS, SA and Gestapo, noone could ensure that the files would arrive to its addressee and not getting lost on the way.' The judicial office in Bern also assumed that Fleischhauer would come with all his assistants to Bern with whom he could have studied the russian files. Also questions regarding the refund of cost of the experts he denied to answer, as so far every party had to pay their invetsments by themselfs. Requests for presenting more witnesses were not accepted by Meyer for the final court day as well. Further correspondences regarding the Bern trail in March and April 1935 can be seen. For example documents used by Fleischhauer, which were not usefull for the trial and not connected to the topic but yet usefull for the propaganda of the Nazis and as an irritation for the plaintiff. Loosli complained about that in a letter to Walter Mayer and asked for financial help to employ extra workers to carry out the extra work Fleischhauer coused with his report. 

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