[<> Bern Trial - Court Session Protocols]

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[<> Bern Trial - Court Session Protocols] 
[<> Bern Trial - Court Session Protocols] 
1 electronic resource (82 pages) 
The Bern Trial. Protocol of the Session in the afternoon of May 9, 1935. The president of the court hands out Fleischhauer a statement of Loosli. Fleischhauer strongly rejects Looslis accusation that he vilifies the Catholic church. Fleischhauer then comments various points of the expertise of Loosli and points out that there are flaws ecpecially in regard to the testimony of Radziwill. Fleischhauer further rejects Looslis claim that revious trials already declared the protocolls a forgery. After a break Fleischhauer dedicates much time to show the connections between Jewery and Freemason. Statements about the alleged relation between Jews and Freemason. Fleischhauer also claims that Jewery is behind Bolshevism. 

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