[<> Bern Trial - Court Session Protocols]
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[<> Bern Trial - Court Session Protocols]
[<> Bern Trial - Court Session Protocols]
1 electronic resource (25 pages)
The Bern Trial. Protocol of the Session in the morning of May 9, 1935. Statement of Loosli who explains that the protocols are a dangerous fabrication. Before starting he declares that he falsly accused Fleischhauer of insulting the catholic church. in his statement he discusses the questions if the protocols are a fabrication od plagiarism He introduces definitions of fabrication and plagiarism. He then argues in regard of their form that they are fabrication. He also argues that they are plagiarism because of the take over of parts of literature that isn't marked as quotes like Joly's Dialogue. Loosli points out that the protocolls are composed of parts of literature like Joly's Dialogues and the novel Biarritz and La France Juive of Edouard Drumont. Loosli explains that there's no connection between the protocolls and the Zionist Congress of 1897. Then he argues that the protocolls are indeed obscenity.