[Appendix to letters in English provided for Bern trial, with clarifications and names]

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/il-002820-9932929394804146-990004838930304146 an entity of type: Record

[Appendix to letters in English provided for Bern trial, with clarifications and names] 
[Appendix to letters in English provided for Bern trial, with clarifications and names] 
1 electronic resource (2 pages) 
This document is an appendix to the letters provided in the evidence packet from HenryBeamish for the Bern trial. It provides clarifications and identities for several of the peoplementioned in the letters.These clarification include a note on Professor Kroeger, Edmondson, and the Madagascar plan. The letter is part of a packet of evidence in English sent to Bern. 

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