[Lifschitz correspondence]

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/il-002820-9932929394804146-9932955590504146 an entity of type: Record

[Lifschitz correspondence] 
[Lifschitz correspondence] 
7 electronic resources (253 pages) 
The file contains letters, copies of letters, notes, handwritten notes, telegrams, postcards and newspaper excerpts. a letter of the Jewish Community in Charibi to the Jewish Community in Bern praising them for the trial. Correspondence between Lifshitz and the the Schweizerischer Israelitischer Gemeindebund (SIG), mostly Saly Meyer, about the Bern trial. Correspondence between Lifshitz and Lifszyc in Sosnowice about a translation. Several correspondences of Lifshitz concerning financial matters. Several correspondences between Lifshitz and the court. One of them concerning a payment to Bourzeff. Correspondence between Lifshitz and the Geneva-office of the Jewish Agency about the involvement of Zionists in Jewish matters. Correspondence between Lifshitz and several other lawyers, among them Hirschel. Corresponcence between Lifshitz and the Central Information Office in Amsterdam. Correspondence with a library. A lot of the correspondence is about getting certain editions of certain newspapers, books or documents and files. A handwritten postcard in Russian. A letter of the Attorney General to the court refers to a legal aid request in regard of a trial against Fleischhauer. A letter of Lifshitz to the WZC from 17.08.35 about an invitation to the 19th. WZC. A letter of D.O. (?) from 10.09.35 to Brunschvig. Statement of Ebersold to the court about the accusations against him. A note of a bank to Loosli. Unrelated and undated letter of Kläy to the court in Bern. A report of the SIG from 1934 that recognizes the Antisemitism from Germany and wonders about the impact for Switzerland. 

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