[Freyenwald correspondence concerning Russian documents]

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[Freyenwald correspondence concerning Russian documents] 
[Freyenwald correspondence concerning Russian documents] 
1 electronic resource (81 pages) 
The file contains handwritten notes and correspondences between Freyenwald and several people mostly from Russia. Main topics in the letters are the 'Jewish Question', Russian anti-Semitic documents as well as documents regarding the 'Protocols' and the gathering of informations about Nilus. In addition informations about Savelij Konstantinowitsch Efron (Litvin, S. K), who was living in a monastery in Yugoslavia are attached. Efrons live was deducated to the studies of the 'Jewish question', that is why Freyenwald tried to gather as many informations about Ephron and his work as possible. Also a family tree of Nikolaj Petrowotsch Suchotin in German and Russian is attached. People were asking Freyenwald for informations and the other way around, as for example the correspondence with earl Illarion Lanskoy and Philipp Petrowitsch concerning the 'Protocols'. These letters were translated from Russian into German, but the original Russian letters are attached as well. Also translated letters from Georges Bojinski-Bojko regarding the archive which was transfered to Russia and would be accessible for the Welt-Dienst can be seen. In addition handwritten notes are attached. Furthermore Freyenwald discussed payment questions with several freelancer working for the Welt-Dienst. 

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