[Court Protocols - Session XIII]

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/il-002820-9932929394804146-9932926098204146 an entity of type: Record

[Court Protocols - Session XIII] 
[Court Protocols - Session XIII] 
2 electronic resources (77 pages) 
The file contains the protocol of the thirteens session of the Bern trial on the 7th of May 1935 in the afternoon. After the president, judge Walter Meyer, opened the session Loosli continued his expertise statement, which he started in the twelfth session in the morning of the same day. He explains that the time given by the judge to prepare the expertise was too short and therefore difficult to consider all the aspects of that topic. Never the less he explains in the same way then most of the other experts that Nilus copied the Protocols from that plagiarism produced by helpers of the tsarist Russian Okhrana. He explains how the Protocols have been distributed and used for anti-Semitic purposes. He further compared the Protocols with the original document of Maurice Joly 'Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu ou la politique de Machiavel au XIXe siècle', as Joly's book was used as a basis for the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, an infamous Russian-made antisemitic literary forgery. He also points out new evidence and testimonies. In addition he questions and criticized again Fleischhauers methods used in the Bern trail, as well as the interference of the Nazis. The session ended at 5.30 pm. 

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