[Loosli-Leonhardt case - correspondence of Lifschitz]

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[Loosli-Leonhardt case - correspondence of Lifschitz] 
[Loosli-Leonhardt case - correspondence of Lifschitz] 
3 electronic resources (80 pages) 
Documents connected to the Loosli - Leonhard case. Leonhard took Loosli to court in August 1935 for defamation. Loosli accused Swiss front of being supported in every regard by the 3rd Reich, also financially. The defender of Loosli was Lifschitz. Some documents are related to the Toedli - Loosli case. Loosli was defended by Lifschitz. A handwritten letter of Ruben Blank to Lifschitz about the Swiss edition of a book of Blank about the protocols of the Wise Men of Zion and the Hitler propaganda (date unclear). Blank asks how to get the interest of Saly Mayer, President of SIG (the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland) for his book. An undated and unsigned paper probably from 1936 about the trial Leonhard vs. Loosli. It reports about the supposed evidence about the 3rd Reich support for Leonhard. Letter of Lifschitz to the court president from 11.10.37 about the publication of of correspondence (confiscated at Toedtli) by Loosli in handwriting that is hard to read. Another letter of Lifschitz to the court president about the documets confiscated at Toedtli from 2.7.37 where Lifschitz explains that he can't translate them from Russian to German because some are about spying on him. Letter of Lifshitz to the Neue Zuercher Zeitung explaining them that he was appointed to translate the documents but refused and that Loosli copied and disturbed them without his knowlegde. He urges the NZZ to publish it correctly. Copy of an expose about the activities of the National Socialist Volksbund that points to passing of information to Nazi Germany. Letter of Lifschchitz to the city president of Schaffhausen Bringolf from 26.05.37, asking him to contact Hans von Wyl, who he thinks has evidence about the Front for him. Letter of Lifschitz to judge Peter in Bern from 9.3.38. about confiscated documents that point to funding of the Swiss front by the 3rd. Reich. Letter of Bringolf to Lifschitz from 28.05.37 answering the letter from 26.05.37. Announcement of a lecture of Dickenstein organized by the Jewish Youth organization on 26.05.37. Handwritten paper related to the Loosli/Leonhardt case and two typed transcriptions of it. Letter of Lifschitz to pressman Heller from 20.11.36 urging a counter-statement because of a false claim. A document that reveals the connection between Toedtli and De Pottere (Farmer). Documents and forms from the law office of Lifschitz. Handwritten and typed notes without author. Letter of Lifschitz to Brunschvig and Matti, consulting with them. Letter of lawyer Hockenjos from 2.3.38 to Lifschitz thanking him for his offer to support him in the Basel trial. Note about a lecture of Eickstedt by Lifschitz. Long letter (double with some pages in a different transcription in addition) to Peter with a request to hear the witness Siegrist and a confirmation of the claim that the Front has been a supported in different ways by the 3rd Reich, also financialy. 

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