Various an entity of type: Record

409 A4 sheets 
Requests for change of residence. List of personnel in the sections Turda, Tulcea, Timiş –Torontal, Dậmboviţa, Vaslui, Piteşti, T-Severin, Mehedinţi, Botoşani Alba Iulia,, Aiud, Ocna Mureşului, Sebeş-Alba, etc of the Centrala Evreilor. Analysis of the activity and problems of the Centrala. The problems of the schools in Bucharest. Jews in the medical colleges are barred from publishing in scientific journals. Request for editing a separate publication for Jewish scientists. Children’s Home Yaldei Yeshurun. Intervention of the Centrala for Jews sent to detention camps. Statistical data on personal and associations in various communities.  

data from the linked data cloud