[Condition of Jewish Communities in Wartime, a Survey Pt. 2]

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[Condition of Jewish Communities in Wartime, a Survey Pt. 2] 
[Condition of Jewish Communities in Wartime, a Survey Pt. 2] 
1 electronic resource (9 pages) 
Entries documenting the state of Jewish communities in the period of September 1939 – November 1939. This entry surveys Wegrow (held by the Germans, many Jews wounded as a result of shooting into the synagogue on Yom Kippur, evacuated into a refugee camp); Novy Jędrzejów, a village (held by the Germans, bombarded, some casualties among refugees from Warsaw); Żelechów (Held by the Germans, Jews threatened, shops looted and the synagogue burned, Jews displaced to a refugee camp); Sobienie Jeziory (Held by the Germans, Jews conscripted to forced labor); Piątek (Occupied by the Germans, destroyed completely in German bombardments); Radzin (Occupied by the Germans, heavily damaged in bombardments); and Lukow (Occupied by the Germans, then the Russians, then the Germans again, burned and ruined in bombardments, Jewish population sent to refugee camp, much of the able-bodied Jewish population fled with the Russians). This is part of a survey of Jewish communities conducted by a committee of reporters and public figures in Vilnius, Lithuania, in December 1939 concerning the state of Polish Jews under the German occupation. Węgrów (Poland), Novy Jędrzejów, Zelechow (Poland), Sobienie-Jeziory (Poland), Sobienie-Jeziory (Poland), Piątek (Poland), Radzyń Podlaski (Poland), Łuków (Siedlce, Poland), Radzyń Podlaski (Poland) 

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