Vernehmungsprotokoll der Vernehmung Gerstenmaiers im Polizeiamt Rostock, 29.11.34 an entity of type: Record

Vernehmungsprotokoll der Vernehmung Gerstenmaiers im Polizeiamt Rostock, 29.11.34 
Vernehmungsprotokoll der Vernehmung Gerstenmaiers im Polizeiamt Rostock, 29.11.34 
1 electronic resource (14 pages) 
The file contains a record of a police questioning and the defence of Mr. Gerstenmaier at the police station in Rostock i.M. (Germany), dated on the 29th of November 1934. Mr. Gerstenmaier was a theology student at the university of Zurich and Rostock. He used to be the leader of the student body in Rostock and he also tried to be involved in other student activities in Zurich. He was holding different position in Zurich and Rostock, always conected to his theology knowledge. The criticism and the withdrawal requirements to 'Reichsbischof' Müller, as well as writing a letter to the 'Reichsbischof' (Reich Bishop) were the reason to be indicted. The critical and rude way his partner and him wrote the letter were enough for the accusation of being a resistance fighter in the Third Reich. The police questioning and disciplinary investigations did not entail any legal consequences. 

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