NSDAP Hauptarchiv
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NSDAP Hauptarchiv
NSDAP Hauptarchiv
Selected items from documents assembled in 1947 a the Berlin Document Center and later transferred to the Bundesarchiv at Koblenz (except police records now in the Bavarian Geheimes Staatsarchiv, Munich and materials relating to Himmler and Streicher in the Berlin Document Center).
Note: For history of the archive and contents of the reels see Grete Heinz, NSDAP Hauptarchiv: Guide to the Hoover Institution microfilm collection. Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, 1964.
Contents: Reels 1-96, 1A-37A and reel B reproduce the Collection NSDAP Hauptarchiv, containing the most valuable documents on the background, history and organization of the Nationalsozialistische deutsche Arbeiter-Partei -- Reels 97-98: Julius Streicher -- Reels 98-99, 37A-55A: Heinrich Himmler.
This material is located in the Hoover Institution Library.
A guide to the microfilm collection is available, edited by Grete Heinz and Agnes F. Peterson.
In reel 24, folder nos. 496 499 deal with antisemitism, l939-l945, and the legal proceedings of the Talmud trial vs. Holz, Steicher and Hilz in l929.
In reel 25, folders 500 5l2 deal with the older Jewish records from the l7th and l8th centuries, as well as with occasional World War II materials. Documentation on Ph. Stauff, editor of the"Semikuerchne" is also included.