Eesti Julgeolekupolitsei ja SD Komandör Eestis an entity of type: Record
Eesti Julgeolekupolitsei ja SD Komandör Eestis
Commander of the Security Police and SD in Estonia
Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD in Estland
Eesti Julgeolekupolitsei ja SD Komandör Eestis
Commander of the Security Police and SD in Estonia
Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD in Estland
91 records
This fonds contains different kinds of documentation of the Commander of the Security Police and SD in Estonia (1941-1943 SS-Standartenführer Martin Sandberger; 1943-1944 SS-Obersturmbannführer Bernhard Baatz):
1) Management documents - 25 records
2) Investigation files - 66 records
Includes: Jahresbericht der Sipo und SD July 1941–30 June 1942 / Annual report German Security Police and SD in Estonia July 1941–30 June 1942 with statistics about executed Jews.
Detailed information on all of these sub-categories is available [here](