Relieken. an entity of type: Record
Relieken - Reliques. Collection
Relieken - Reliques. Collection
39,735 digitised images (3,065 envelopes containing documents)
3048 enveloppes.
Dit bestand bestaat uit enkele duizenden omslagen met daarin de persoonlijke documenten die bij aankomst door de kampadministratie in beslag werden genomen. Het gaat o.a. om foto’s, brieven, identiteitsbewijzen, diploma’s, … die toebehoorden aan de gedeporteerden, overwegend uit de konvooien XX tot XXVI.
The “Relics” collection comprises 3,065 envelopes. Each contains personal documents confiscated by the Aufnahme (camp administration) at the SS-Sammellager Mecheln (Dossin barracks) upon arrival of a detainee at the barracks. The documents range from photographs to letters, ID cards, university diplomas, marriage certificates, etc. Each envelope refers to a single detainee or a family. Most of these detainees were eventually deported via Transport XX to XXVI. No “Relics” exist for deportees from Transports I to XIX. However, several dozen of the envelopes contain documents of detainees who passed away at the Dossin barracks or who died at the Breendonk camp for political prisoners, who were released from the Dossin barracks or who were deported to smaller camps such as Buchenwald and Ravensbrück.
Alphabetically by last name