Archiv der Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien, Teil II. an entity of type: Record

Archiv der Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien, Teil II. 
Archiv der Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien, Teil II. 
1517 files. 
In this fonds we find important files concerning the emigration of Viennese Jews (particularly children) to Belgium, mostly during the years 1938-1939. We firstly note files and series of a general nature, such as correspondence and telegrams regarding individual refugees, notes and reports on general emigration matters, brochures, series of questionnaires (concerning financial aid to émigrés, or questionnaires filled in by candidates), statistics, lists and reports on emigration (often ordered by target country), … For instance, in the subsection “emigration of children” (Kinderauswanderung), we find general correspondence (nr. 2109; 1940), correspondence concerning already emigrated children (nr. 2108; 1938-1939), overviews of the so-called Kindertransporte (nr. 2111; 1938-1939), reports on emigrated children ordered by country of destination (nr. 2112; 1940), etc. Several files explicitly mention Belgium, or Belgian organisations. Nr. 2114 is a file titled “Belgian operation” (Belgische Aktion) dated 1938-1939. Various documents concerning the six Kindertransporte to Belgium are to be found in nr. 2115. These documents are ordered according to the dates of the transports, resp. 19 December 1938, 11 January 1939, 31 January 1939, 6 March 1939, 17 April 1939 and 15 June 1939. A list of children who have left for Belgium, mentioning their parents and their last known place of residence, can be found in nr. 2116 (1940). In file nr. 2305 we find correspondence with the Service de Transmigration of the Comité d’Assistance aux Réfugiés juifs (CARJ) in Brussels (1940). Nr. 2399 contains correspondence (Auftragsbriefe) dated 1939-1940 addressed to i.a. the Service de Transmigration of the CARJ, regarding the German Devisen-legislation. The correspondence includes documents of the Devisenstelle (the foreign currency exchange office). Finally we note, in file nr. 2420, an account transcript (dated 30 April 1940) of the Service de Transmigration of the CARJ and documents concerning agreements (Abstimmung) with this service (1939-1940). 

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