Кагульская уездная префектура и подчиненные ей претуры и примарии
http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/md-002886-2067_1 an entity of type: Record
Кагульская уездная префектура и подчиненные ей претуры и примарии
Cahul district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls
Judeţul Cahul: prefecturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor/preturilor şi comunele subordinate
Kagul'skaya uyezdnaya prefektura i podchinennyye yey pretury i primarii
Judeţul Cahul: prefecturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor/preturilor şi comunele subordinate
Cahul district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls
Kagul'skaya uyezdnaya prefektura i podchinennyye yey pretury i primarii
Кагульская уездная префектура и подчиненные ей претуры и примарии
Кагульская уездная префектура и подчиненные ей претуры и примарии
Cahul district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls
Judeţul Cahul: prefecturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor/preturilor şi comunele subordinate
Kagul'skaya uyezdnaya prefektura i podchinennyye yey pretury i primarii
Judeţul Cahul: prefecturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor/preturilor şi comunele subordinate
Cahul district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls
Kagul'skaya uyezdnaya prefektura i podchinennyye yey pretury i primarii
Кагульская уездная префектура и подчиненные ей претуры и примарии
3861 dosare
3861 items
The inquiring file on the requests of the locals of Leova to get their Romanian citizenship reconfirmed; the requests and various identifying documents of Jewish people asking to be confirmed their Romanian citizenship (several photographs included); the list of inhabitants of Iargora village who received Romanian citizenship in 1924 (the lists contains some Jewish
names and numerous German names, most of them are registered as “repatriated”, sometimes “missing”; personal files of the public servant of prefecture – Herțenștein Clara; personal files of the public servant of pretura plasei Ștefan cel Mare ‐ Șvarț Ita et al.
Cererile localnicilor din Leova pentru reconfirmarea cetățeniei româneşti. Diferite documente de identificare şi fotografii ale evreilor care au depus cererile de reconfirmare a cetăţenii româneşti. Lista locuitorilor satului Iargora care au primit cetățenia română în 1924. Dosarele personale ale funcţionarilor publici Clara Herţenştein şi Şvarţ Ita