Judeţul Tighina – prefercturile judetene, subprefecturile plaselor (preturilor) si comunelor subordinate

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Judeţul Tighina – prefercturile judetene, subprefecturile plaselor (preturilor) si comunelor subordinate 
Tighina district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls 
Тигинская уездная префектура и подчиненные ей претуры и примарии 
Tiginskaya uyezdnaya prefektura i podchinennyye yey pretury i primarii 
Judeţul Tighina – prefercturile judetene, subprefecturile plaselor (preturilor) si comunelor subordinate 
Tighina district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls 
Тигинская уездная префектура и подчиненные ей претуры и примарии 
Tiginskaya uyezdnaya prefektura i podchinennyye yey pretury i primarii 
9151 files 
Documents that enable Jewish citizens of county Tighina to leave the country between 1920-1923. Lists and status of members of the consumer society in 1921. The status of the philanthropic Jewish organization from Căușeni,"Damen ferai". Lists of manufacturers specialists who could provide the needs of the population in case of war. Materials related to the election of Members of the Commerce and Industry Chamber in Tighina in 1938. Information on the county inhabitants' affiliation to different religions and religious sects between 1938-1939. Correspondence with religious institutions in the county in terms of surveillance the collection of donations. Lists of villages in the county where most of the population consists of national minorities, 1939-1940. Citizenship certificates of county residents, 1939. Lists of traders and other residents who own wheat, owners of agricultural machinery, owners of industrial and commercial enterprises in the county. Statistical information on the number and composition of the population of the villages of the county, the county's population movement, the industrial enterprises in the county. Correspondence with the Ministry of Interior Affairs of Romania and county prefectures in terms of preparatory work for mobilization. Lists of young people by nationality. The newspaper"Gazeta Bessarabi" of 3rd of April, 1938. Documents of selling the home of the village (Cobuşca Veche) resident, Shinkar Mark, to local municipality, 1939. Romanian Army Headquarters instructions on preparing the militarization of administrative apparatus. Lists of villagers from Căuşeni aged between 13 to 17 years. Correspondence with Căinari judicial court regarding issues of custody of assets of the deceased and minors; Regulation on granting Romanian citizenship to Jews, 1938. Lists and documents relating to the conversion of the inhabitants of villages Chirnet Lunga and Chirsova from one religion to another. Decisions of pretura Comrat allowing residents to sell liquor. Lists of traders, producers and small producers of Ceadîr-Lunga. Residents of Ceadîr-Lunga applications for certificates of Romanian citizenship. Personal files of officials of municipalities and other institutions of Jewish nationality. 

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