Regional departments of the NSDAP in occupied territories Selected records of the Regionale Dienststellen der NSDAP in besetzten Gebieten (NS 45) an entity of type: Record
Regional departments of the NSDAP in occupied territories
Selected records of the Regionale Dienststellen der NSDAP in besetzten Gebieten (NS 45)
Regional departments of the NSDAP in occupied territories
Selected records of the Regionale Dienststellen der NSDAP in besetzten Gebieten (NS 45)
1,502 digital images, JPEG
1 microfilm reel (digitized), 35 mm
This collection contains antisemitic propaganda for the Hitler Youth; instructions and guidelines for the SA; an antisemitic text written by SA head Viktor Lutze; denunciations; information on the search for the persons who assassinated Heydrich; materials concerning Alsace including Aryanization, the number of “evacuated Jews,” and antisemitic agitation; documents on discrimination against Mischlinge (mixed-race individuals) on the grounds of “race defilement”; statistical data on the district of Salzburg; registration of Jews in the Sudeten land; and antisemitic literature from Austria, Luxemburg, and Belgium.
Arrangement is thematic