David Trotsky Collection.

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/us-005554-usa_yivo_rg_235 an entity of type: Record

David Trotsky Collection. 
David Trotsky Collection. 
63 folders (ca. 1 l.m.). 
This fonds contains documents concerning the Jewish communities in Belgium (mainly Antwerp and Brussels) during the interwar period, collected by David Trotsky. The bulk of the material is dated 1920-1938. We mostly find printed matter (newsletters, posters, flyers, …), circulars, reports, membership cards, invitations, election materials, clippings, … covering virtually all aspects of Jewish political, social, cultural, economic and religious life. We note files on the Zionist Federation of Belgium (file nr. 1); the Zionist Association of Brussels (nrs. 2-3); other Zionist groups (i.a. Zeire Zion, Hehalutz, Merkaz Sioniste de Bruxelles, Haldi, Beis am Zeire Zion, Haoved, Hathiah, Kadima, …; nrs. 4-5); Agudath Zion Brussels and Antwerp (nr. 6); Mizrachi (Nashei Mizrachi, Histadruth Mizrachi, … ; nr. 7); Zionist youth organisations (Zeire Ha’am, Hanoar Hazioni, Fédération de la Jeunesse sioniste de Belgique, …; nr. 8); Poale Zion, Zeire Zion and Jewish Socialist Party (nr. 9-10), Zionist-Revisionist organisations (Jewish State Party, Awukah, Menorah, B’rith Trumpeldor, …; nr. 11); materials on the Zionist elections (nr. 12); WIZO (nr. 13), Dror (nr. 14), Hashomer Hatzair Brussels and Antwerp (nr. 15); Linke Poale Zion (nr. 16); Keren Kayemeth Leisrael and Keren Hayesod (nrs. 17A and 17B); Bundist organisations (Tsukunft, Medem Club, …; nr. 18); communist and related organisations (Gezerd, Prokor, … ; nrs. 19-21); unions and professional organisations of Jewish workers, artisans and small manufacturers and traders (nr. 22-25); unemployment (nr. 25); Jewish schools (Y.L. Peretz school, … ; nr. 26); Jewish People’s Club [Folks-klub?] (nr. 27); Children’s Friend Society [Kinderfraynd?] (nr. 28); sport clubs (JASK, Maccabi, … ; nr. 30); libraries, Yiddish theater and film, concerts, art exhibitions, cultural organisations (nrs. 29, 31-33, 35-36); Jewish student associations (nr. 34); Jewish press (nr. 37); Agudath Israel (nr. 38); circulars from the Belgian Rabbinate (nr. 39), Talmud Torahs (nr. 40); Machsike Hadass including the Yeshiva Etz Hayim (nr. 41); Beth Lechem (nr. 42); synagogues, study houses and minyonim (nr. 43), Ezra (nr. 44); Jesode-Hatora school (nr. 45); various religious filantropic societies and related materials (nr. 46-47); Ezras Yoldos Aniyos Ladies'Aid Society (nr. 48); material from Jewish communities in the provinces (towns of Liège, Charleroi; nr. 49); the Association of Polish Jews (nr. 50); Landsleit (nr. 51); newspapers clippings, anti-Semitic propaganda, and materials on the boycott of Nazi Germany and the fight against anti-Semitism (nrs. 52-55); the Conseil d’Associations juives (nrs. 56A and 56B); University Circle (nrs. 57A and 57B); Association of German-Jewish Refugees (nr. 58), missionaries (nr. 60) and various other materials (nr. 59). 

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