The case of Pinckvoss, Elterlein and Harting an entity of type: Record

The case of Pinckvoss, Elterlein and Harting 
The case of Pinckvoss, Elterlein and Harting 
1 electronic resource (69 pages) 
The file contains a correspondence regarding the accusation of General Pinckvoss, Inspekteur des Wehrersatzbezirkes Kassel and Oberst von Elterlein, Gruppenleiter K der Wehrersatzinspektion Kassel, by Colonel Harting in 1943. Both were accused for derogatiry remarks against 'the Führer'. Colonel Harting overheard an conversation between them and reported this. The correspondence contained in this file shows the exchange of letters of different military justices and officers concerning the accusation and its investigation. The whole case got closed because of a lack of evidence and lack of faith in the whole story. 

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