Was General Gerassimoff in Wirklichkeit über Ratschkovsky geschrieben hat

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/il-002820-9932929395104146-990004848520304146 an entity of type: Record

Was General Gerassimoff in Wirklichkeit über Ratschkovsky geschrieben hat 
Was General Gerassimoff in Wirklichkeit über Ratschkovsky geschrieben hat 
1 electronic resource (32 pages) 
The file contains a presentation of N.I Detloff about the truth of Genral Gerassimoff and his writing about Ratschkowsky. The author starts his presentation regarding the speech of Loosli from 7th of May 1935 where he explains that Gerassimoff writes some details about the personality of Ratschkowsky, details, which have been unknown by Loosli before eventhough he was speaking to several people and reseaching on Ratschkowskys personality. Detloff then checks this mentioned writings and pages in Gerassimoffs book. The presentation is devided by the pages of Gerassimoffs book, which he analyses step by step. in addition letters regarding the Bern trail and the speech of Loosli as well as a transcript of his speech can be seen. Also N. Markoffs expertise regarding the speech and the expertise of Loosli is attached. 

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