Toedtli's letters (B) an entity of type: Record

Toedtli's letters (B) 
Toedtli's letters (B) 
3 electronic resources (139 pages) 
The file contains several letters and abstracts written by and for Boris Toedtli. The file also includes an index and content of the documents given in this file. Also comments are attached to the documents. Single-point information, deposit receipt and money transfer quittance of the Deutsch-Schweizerische Verechnungsstelle can be seen, furthermore private correspondences between Meikert/ Farmer (de Pottere), Duering, Wurm, Leonhardt and von Roll with Toedtli. Also correspondences between Toedtli and organisation can be seen, like with the Deutsche-Fichte Bund, the Pan-arischen Union, the Russian Fascist Party and others. In some documents code names are used as signatures. Also financial matters of Toedtli have been discussed in the letters, handwritten notes inform about his work and anti-Semitic propaganda was shared. 

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