Swastika over Germany

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Swastika over Germany 
Swastika over Germany 
1 electronic resource (48 pages) 
The publication provides an overview of the current situation in Germany and the failures and omissions of the Weimar Republic. It refutes the claim by Hitler that all ill that befell Germany can be blamed on the Marxists. The main parts of Hitler's four-year plan are presented. The role of the"Eastern Relie" which enabled the Fascist's rise to power is explained. Another factor is the constant attacks by Communists who sabotaged social democratic efforts to improve the living conditions, thus contributing to the weakening of the political power of the German working class. Many examples and statistics are provided. The aim of National Socialism is discussed in the second chapter. Hitler's narrative is ridiculed. Anton Drexler, the founder of the National Socialist party, and his brief role in the rise of Hitler are presented. The third chapter"The tragedy of German Labo" analyses the paralysis of the German Labor movement and the suppression and terror it experiences at the hand of the Nazis. The complete failure of the communists and the directives they had gotten from Moscow is revealed. Examples of the collaboration of the Communists and the Fascists are given, for example the People's referendum against the Prussian government of Braun and Severing and the transportation strike in Berlin. The author claims that instead of isolating Fascism the communist lends a helping hand. The last chapter is a report on the days of National Socialist terror between March 9th to 14th, 1933. 

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