Weltkirche gegen völkisches Erwachen?

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Weltkirche gegen völkisches Erwachen? 
Weltkirche gegen völkisches Erwachen? 
1 electronic resource (68 pages) 
The anti-Semitic book"Weltkirche gegen völkisches Erwachen? - Separatism or One Reich", written in 1933 by H. Fillunger, deals with the resistance of the Catholic Church in Bavaria and Austria against the National Socialist ideology. In this regard, the author addresses, for example, the so-called"pastoral lette" and the role of Bishop Maria Gföllner of Linz, who was instrumental in ensuring that no concordat was concluded between the Austrian Church and the Nazi regime. Subsequently, the author also refers to the so-called"Hochverratvorbereitunge" in Bavaria and takes the politics in the form of the"Bayerischen Volksparte", as well as the role of the church in Bavaria in the view. 

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