[Anti- Nazi Opposition]

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/il-002820-9932929395104146-990004827520304146 an entity of type: Record

[Anti- Nazi Opposition] 
[Anti- Nazi Opposition] 
1 electronic resource (56 pages) 
This file contains informations of Anti-Nazi Oppositions in Germany from 1939 till 1943. A manifest from the Munich student body is attached which blames Hitler for the lost of 330000 German soldiers in Stalingrad. It is written that the German youth is not willing to follow the dictator Hitler anymore and that they claim their freedom back. The freedom which was taken from the German Nation by Adolf Hitler with indescribable methods. Also goals have been presented by the freedom activists. For example the elimination of the militarism and the blood supremacy, recreation of a constitutional state and formation of a social order. Furthermore leaflets and reports are attached, which explain the idea of using the potential of Oppositions in Germany. These Oppositions were divided into political labour movement, the former trade Union movement and various branches of the political and unpolitical German youth movements. The idea was to get in contact with those oppositions and help them to develop and extent, so that inside of Germany would be a general opposition which could sabotage, give informations and try to distroy the regime from the inside. But the reports also mention that it must be realised that conditions from 1939 were not comparable of those in 1933/34 when thousands of small illegal groups existed quite independently of one another. Yet most of them never succeeded in coordinating their efforts and by 1939 most of them disappeared. 

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