Okupační vězeňské spisy
http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/cz-002286-1077 an entity of type: Record
Okupační vězeňské spisy
Occupation prisoners files
Okupační vězeňské spisy
Occupation prisoners files
160,8 linear metres from which 160,8 linear metres of documents are processed and inventoried and accessible and 41,8 linear metres are unprocessed and probably not accessible.
In this collection, there are documents related to Czechoslovak citizens who were imprisoned in German jails and in the concentration camps. There are also files related to (Czechoslovak) Jews, or persons of Jewish nationality, who were gathered and then deported to the Terezín ghetto and the concentration camps. Furthermore in these files, there are information about"death marche" and about post-war repatriation.
The collection was divided into two parts. The first one was arranged in 1956, there are documents from prisons (23 different prisons) and courts operating on the territory of the Protectorate Czech and Moravia, documents from the Volksgericht in Berlin and jail in Wroclaw. In the collection there can be found personal files, lists of arrested citizens, records of various subjects. The collection consists from 426 boxes, files are sorted by the date of arrest and then in the alphabetical order.
The second part of the collection was arranged in 1966 and mostly contains original files from Nazi concentration camps, jailhouses and prison transports, files were used and processed soon after war. In the documents there are original letters from prisoners, cremation protocols, exhumation protocols, lists of repatriated persons (there are more files concerning the matter of repatriation mission from the Great Britain to Czechoslovakia or from Czechoslovakia to Palestine). This part of the collection is sorted in alphabetical order (according to local names) and then according to factual units.
In the collection, there are a lots of Jewish-related documents - card files of imprisoned (Czechoslovak) Jews in different concentration camps, final numbers of people in transports, their names and addresses, and names of those who survived the war. There are also files related to imprisoned Jews of different nationality, who were deported to Terezín ghetto and to concentration camps. All is sorted by surnames in alphabetical order.