German economic Bulletin an entity of type: Record

German economic Bulletin 
German economic Bulletin 
1 electronic resource (89 pages) 
The file contains a Bulletin and notes for the weekly intelligence report about the German economy, published in 1940 by the Central European Joint Committee in London. Informations about the German economic offensive in South-East Europe, the German financial position, German agricultural census, a campain against foodwaste, the training of metal workes and labour administrations are merged. Further articles about Swedens economic-political situation and Germans supply are attached. The German agriculture has been a main topic in the reports. The conditions in 1940 and the development in production techniques have been explained as well as compared to other countries like Denmark or Sweden. While Germany's military offensive was proceading, her economic offensive in South-East Europe was not suffering any interruption. As an example the participations in three Fairs in Belgrade, Zagreb in Jugoslavia and in Plovtiv in Bulgaria, as the most important stages in this offensive in 1940 are mentioned. Besides articles about production in heavy industry and in mining activities can be seen. 

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