District Office in Kežmarok

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/sk-003273-13428 an entity of type: Record

District Office in Kežmarok 
Okresný úrad v Kežmarku 
District Office in Kežmarok 
Okresný úrad v Kežmarku 
19,7 linear meters, paper documents  
The fonds contains the documents of the District Office in Kežmarok which was the state administration body at the territory of district Kežmarok. The fonds is very well preserved and contains many documents covering the political, economical and social history of the respective district during the period 1923-1945. Besides documents pertaining the history of Jews before 1938 there are many documents pertaining the persecution of Jews during the period of years 1938-1945. The fonds contains documents pertaining the deportation of Jews from Slovakia in November 1938 as well as documents pertaining various anti-Jewish measures of the Hlinka Slovak People´s Party regime in 1939. There are also documents related to the expulsion of Jews from the public service in the district in 1940 as well as files concerning the cancelling of licenses of many Jews. The fonds contains also periodical reports of the District Officer on various issues including the so called"Jewish issu". There are also various lists of Jews created by the District Office in Kežmarok or the subordinated bodies of the state administration (notary offices) in the district. Among others there is a list of Jews who were deported from the district in 1942, the list of Jews who obtained so called presidential exemptions, the list of Jewish doctors present at the territory of district, the list of Jews transferred to Sereď or Poprad. There is also the list of Jews who were registered as baptized in 1943.  

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