The Nazi German concentration camp at Klooga, collection an entity of type: Record

The Nazi German concentration camp at Klooga, collection 
Fašistliku saksa okupatsiooni aegne koonduslaager Kloogal, kollektsioon 
The Nazi German concentration camp at Klooga, collection 
Fašistliku saksa okupatsiooni aegne koonduslaager Kloogal, kollektsioon 
4 records, alphabetical card files, book, original paper documents  
The fonds contains 4 sub-fonds: - AM, D 150.1.1: A file of prisoner cards (original file delivered to Estonian State Archive (ERA.R-170.1.1, ERA.R-170.1.2, ERA.R-170.1.3); the museum retained duplicates and an incomplete copy of the card file. - AM, D 150.1.2: Card file of persons who attempted to escape and were shot (original card file delivered to Estonian State Archives), and an incomplete copy of the card file (ERA.R-170.1.5). - AM, D 150.1.7: Prayer book, in Hebrew. - AM, D 150.1.9: Statistical table about camps in Estonia, compiled by Extraordinary State Commission of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic for the Establishment and Investigation of Crimes and Damages Perpetrated by German-Fascist Invaders and Their Collaborators.  

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