Verdoner family holiday and houseboat an entity of type: Record
Verdoner family holiday and houseboat
Verdoner family holiday and houseboat
July-August 1939
EXT, MCU, a man in a small house boat, docked. According to documentation that accompanied original films, the man's name is Leo Wijnbergin Punter. Gerrit Verdoner comes out on deck, putting on his shirt, and takes one of the eggs from the table, puts it in his mouth and begins to ham it up for the camera before ducking back inside the cabin. MS, EXT of the houseboat, the sea, and the window of a building, there is a sign on the building that reads:"STALLING-R'JWIELE". Camera continues to pan building and surrounding farmland. VCU to MS of two young women standing in the doorway of the house. They wave to the camera. MCU, older woman, holding and petting a cat poses for the camera in the same doorway. Three young men fixing a motor on a small boat. Children wading in the water at the beach - Yoka and Francisca Verdoner are present, along with other children their age and some a bit older (pre-adolescent). Yoka and Francisca having tea and biscuits at the beach, sitting outside at the beach house. CU, Francisca waves to the camera.