Планы и отчеты о дятельности полиций городов Бессарабии за 1944 г. Список евреев

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/md-002886-680_1-4766 an entity of type: Record

Планы и отчеты о дятельности полиций городов Бессарабии за 1944 г. Список евреев 
Plans and reports on the activities of the police in various cities of Bessarabia in 1944. List of Jews 
Plany i otchety o dyatel’nosti politsij gorodov Bessarabii za 1944 g. Spisok evreev 
Plans and reports on the activities of the police of the city of Bessarabia for 1944. List of Jews 
Планы и отчеты о дятельности полиций городов Бессарабии за 1944 г. Список евреев 
Plans and reports on the activities of the police in various cities of Bessarabia in 1944. List of Jews 
Plany i otchety o dyatel’nosti politsij gorodov Bessarabii za 1944 g. Spisok evreev 
Plans and reports on the activities of the police of the city of Bessarabia for 1944. List of Jews 
Police activity plans and reports in the cities of the province of Bessarabia. Information on Jews who have returned from Transnistria to the city of Bolgrad 

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