Odbočka Ústredne štátnej bezpečnosti pri Policajnom riaditeľstve v Prešove

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/sk-003276-22590 an entity of type: Record

Odbočka Ústredne štátnej bezpečnosti pri Policajnom riaditeľstve v Prešove 
State Security Headquarter´s Branch at the Police Directorate in Prešov 
Odbočka Ústredne štátnej bezpečnosti pri Policajnom riaditeľstve v Prešove 
State Security Headquarter´s Branch at the Police Directorate in Prešov 
29 boxes, paper documents. 
The fonds contains the preserved documents of the State Security Headquarter´s (Ústredňa štátnej bezpečnosti), which was the political police and the secret service of the Slovakia (1939-1945). More precisely it contains the documents of one regional branch of this political police: it branch in Prešov. The majority of the fonds consists of files on specific persons. The fonds contains information on various issues including ethnic relations, minorities, resistance as well as the persecution of Jews. The fonds contains personal files of many Jews with reports on their activities. This includes foreign citizens visiting or traveling through the territory of eastern Slovakia and refugees. Besides that there are also files on correspondence of specific Jews or their contacts. Personal files include also files of non-Jews who kept contact with Jews. The fonds also contains the information on various anti-Jewish measures and incidents. This includes the file on killing of Jewish man in Vranov nad Topľou in May 1941 during the stay of German troops in the town. There are various investigation files of Jews in the fonds.  
The State Security Headquarter´s Branch would register its files in the same register of files as the Police Directorate in Prešov. However, its fonds consists of two different types of files. The first part of files concerns certain matter. The second part of files concerns specific persons. While files on matters were registered as Mat (Materia), number of folder, number of file (Mat. 3/2), personal files were registered alphabetically. The first part of the file name was always the first letter of person´s second name, the second part of the file name would be the number of folder and the third part a specific folder inside the file (A 1/35 = Amsel Samuel).  

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