Duquesne spy case; enemy agents in the US; Private Snafu cartoon
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Duquesne spy case; enemy agents in the US; Private Snafu cartoon
Duquesne spy case; enemy agents in the US; Private Snafu cartoon
Title on screen: Duquesne Case: Secret. The word"Secre" has been crossed out. Grainy footage, shot clandestinely, shows a New York City street and the interior of an office. Hoover's narration tells of Harry Sawyer [pseudonym for William Sebold], a naturalized German citizen who became a double-agent after he was approached by the Gestapo (in reality the Abwehr) in 1939. The footage shows Duquesne entering Sawyer's office. Spies talk with Sawyer and give him money and the blueprints to the ship SS America. Duquesne,"the most cautious of them all" looks around the room before removing diagrams from his shoe. Sawyer shows documents to a Japanese spy. Hoover gives a brief version of the capture of the German spies (among them John Dasch and Walter Kappe) who arrived on US soil via submarine. Footage of Hitler as Hoover asserts that Hitler was intent on punishing the United States for her crimes against Germany. 01:15:56 Private Snauf cartoon called"Three Brother". The Private SNAFU series of adult cartoon shorts (1943-1945) was made to instruct American service personnel about security, proper sanitation habits and other military subjects, and to improve troop morale. Private SNAFU (Situation Normal All Fouled Up), produced by the US Army Signal Corps, was originally created by Theodore Geisel (better known as Dr. Seuss) and Phil Eastman.Private Snafu, sorting a huge pile of shoes, envies his two brothers. With the aid of a fairy dressed as a gravelly-voiced sargeant, he see that they both do grunt work too and that all of them contribute to the war effort. Snafu's brother Tarfu is shown attending to the needs of bossy pigeons in a pigeon coop, and his brother Fubar trains attack dogs. Fubar dons a mask depicting a Japanese person to anger the dogs into chasing him. Bugs Bunny makes a brief appearance.