[Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland: Statement No 8]

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[Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland: Statement No 8] 
[Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland: Statement No 8] 
1 electronic resource (4 Pages) 
Protocol No. 8 is an English translation from original Yiddish. It was given by the 23 years old tailor Ajzenszer Jechiel about his escape from Warsaw on the 7-8 October 1939. In it, he describes bombardements and intense shootings in Warsaw and the advancements of the German troops. Furthermore, he depicts the different treatment of Christians and Jewish Poles by the Nazis. He shows how Jews were maltreated and their property taken and divided among the christan population. When Jechiel and some others were captured by the Nazis, they were badly tortured and kept in Transit Concentration Camp, from which he was released after a short period. Statement No 8 

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